Recently I met with seven folks who want to think about
membership in First Baptist Church. I have been moving away from a “classroom”
setting for membership preparation to a “self-study” approach. As part of that,
I have begun to assign the reading of a book by Randy Alcorn called The Treasure Principle. It’s a small
book. It’s one of those…”a day to read, a lifetime to master” books. It’s not a
difficult read. The treasure principle itself is simple: “You can’t take it
with you but you can send it on ahead.”
But the practice of this principle is a key part of our discipleship,
surrender, and growth in Christ, which will be a process in our experience
until we draw our last breath. Alcorn gives six keys to unlocking this
principle: 1) God owns everything. I’m His money manager. 2) My heart always
goes where I put God’s money. 3) Heaven, not earth, is my home. 4) I should not
live for the dot (this life alone) but for the line (eternity). 5) Giving is
the only antidote to materialism. 6) God promises me not to raise my standard
of living, but to raise my standard of giving. Alcorn unpacks these in a very
helpful way for the reader.
We have made this book available to our church in the
past. If you still have the copy that was given out a few years ago, I
encourage you to find it and to read it again. Actually, I think an annual
re-reading would be a great blessing to any of us. When I read it before giving
it to these prospective members, I did so in order to prepare a short study
guide. When you’re doing something like that, you tend to look a little closer
and think a little deeper. In doing so, the Lord reminded me of things which I
needed to hear again. If anyone would like to have a copy of the study guide,
let me know and I will give/send it to you.
For some believers, the wallet is the last thing to be
“baptized”. I remember reading about how in the Middle Ages some “converts”
(soldiers) were baptized, but held their sword in a hand that was not immersed.
It was as if they felt they could leave a part of their lives un-surrendered to
the Lord. I’ve seen a couple versions of the story, so I am not sure if it
purely historical. Nevertheless, the image is quite vivid, isn’t it? As Christ
is being formed in us, will He allow us to hold anything back from Him? What
joy and happiness is missed when we clutch our hands around what God puts in
them, instead of releasing it to Him? I think the answer is… “Much, much more
than we realize.”
Martin Luther once said, “I have held many things in my
hands and I have lost them all. But whatever I have placed in God’s hands, that
I still possess.” What a plan for joy Jesus has for His disciples! I pray for
eyes to see it… to see it clearly and to embrace it eagerly.
Acts 20:35 (NIV) 35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard
work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:
'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'"
6:19-21 (NIV) 19 "Do not store up for yourselves
treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and
steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and
steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be
PRAYER: O Father, thank you for each and every penny
that you have placed in my hand. Please forgive me for the misuse or waste of
what belongs to you. Shape my thinking and behavior more and more toward
generosity. Teach me where real joy is, and lead me to it. I do not want to
miss out on the joy. Thanks. In Jesus’
name, AMEN.”
Christ is Lord!
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