Tuesday, July 29, 2014

God's Word is Always Right

            I am grateful to the folks at First Baptist for allowing me the weekend away to be with Joanne and her family to observe a celebration of her mom’s life in Presque Isle. It was very good for us to be with family. I was asked to share some memories of Anna at the service. I began by asking forgiveness for all the things I would leave out: some of which certain people may have thought should be said. As I have shared with many folks at a number of funeral/memorial services, it is impossible to capture a whole life in just a few moments of time. But the service went very well.

            After the reception for family and guests, some of the family were to gather at the home of one of Anna’s granddaughters. It is a first home for her and her husband and they were looking forward to hosting a barbecue that evening. And it was a very nice time… just to relax and to be with one another sharing memories and laughs. Joanne and I almost did not make it, however.

            We had never been to the house before, and so I typed in the address on my phone and planned to let Google Maps navigate for me. Because of this I did not communicate with anyone ahead of time for directions. As I followed Google’s navigation I began to have the uneasy feeling that something wasn’t right. The directions seemed off, though I certainly was not 100% sure they were. I was under the impression from something I had overheard someone say that the house was in the opposite direction that I was traveling. But I kept on following the directions I was receiving from Google Maps for about 5 miles until I came to the address. Not having seen the house before, we did not know what to look for. I didn’t see any people and I did not recognize any of the cars in the driveway. And, being a man, I did not get out and go in and ask. Instead I drove away back into town. We tried making some phone calls but wherever people were there must have been a poor signal for their cell phones. Finally Joanne got through to someone and started her conversation with, “We’re lost…”, to which I quickly responded in a fairly loud, fairly agitated voice, “We’re not lost! I know where I am. I just don’t know for sure how to get to their house!”

            It turns out that I did have the right address, and I had gone to the right place the first time. This made me feel a little foolish, but I was glad not to spend all afternoon driving around as if I was lost. We had a great time together once we were there.

            As I was thinking about this yesterday, it occurred to me that this situation is a good example of how we come to the Bible at times. We have the right address – the right verse with the right teaching about a particular topic – but in our uncertainty or pride it just doesn’t sound “right” to us. A good example is the Scripture’s teaching about human sexuality. Another is what the Bible says about money. Another is about the nature of God’s judgment upon sinners. Another is the existence of hell. There are many more that we come upon in the verses of the Bible. At first glance we think, “That can’t really mean that. It doesn’t seem to jive with what I’ve heard elsewhere, or with what I think, or with what I wish it would say.” So we go away from what it says and look for God’s blessing and approval of some other idea or behavior. Finally, we have to come back to what the Bible actually says about the matter. It was not “in error” (It is not the “wrong address”.) in the first place. Some people spend all their time looking for God’s truth and God’s will in places other than the “address” that God gives us for it in His Word. But the Scriptures cannot be broken. God’s Word says what it means and means what it says. God’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours: His wisdom unsearchable.

            Just as I had to “submit” to the possibility/probability that my Google Maps navigator was correct (and find out that it was), I must also submit to wisdom and correctness of God’s Word, even when I am tempted to place my own ideas above what the text is saying. God does not make mistakes. Are you and I subject to His Word, or are we trying to find a way to conclusions that are actually contrary to His Word? May He help us when pride and rebellion seek to assert themselves in us… to yield to His Word.

Proverbs 14:12 (NIV) 12  There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

Psalm 37:23 (NLT) 23  The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.

Psalm 119:105 (KJV) 105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) 5  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

PRAYER:  Father, so I often I want to live by my conclusions, my ways, and my ideas. Forgive me when I ignore your Word. Please always bring me back to the Scriptures, for in them I find your perfect will. Break me of the pride that I use to set myself up above your Word. Forgive me when I go a-wandering away from your Truth. Thank you for your mercy that navigates me back to your Word, before which I can humble myself in your sight and find forgiveness and wholeness. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.”

Jesus Christ is Lord!  


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