Tuesday, December 24, 2013

This Is the Day

      Deep breath… the last ones are on their way!

That’s how it felt yesterday morning when our daughter Brianne and her new husband Joshua pulled out and headed for home in New Hampshire. A weekend full of freezing rain coincided with their wedding, so I was quite concerned about guests and family members getting home by car or by plane. Joanne’s sister left with Brianne and Joshua because her flight from Bar Harbor (Trenton) had just been cancelled for the fourth time. Her own kids were coming home to New Jersey for Christmas, so – while she loves us – she was very eager to get out of here. Thankfully, Brianne and Joshua were able to deliver her to Boston and she got a flight last night and finally got home. If you have ever been in the middle of travel woes caused by inclement weather, you can identify with some of the emotions and concerns.

I wonder what it was like for Joseph and Mary. It must not have been easy to travel to Bethlehem from Nazareth in Galilee, especially as Mary was nearing the delivery of her first child. My imagination has them muttering to one another… “Stupid Caesar and his registration…!” Mary was such a godly young woman, though. She had said to the angel… I am the Lord's servant… May it be to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38). She was saying (my paraphrase) to the angel… “I’m ready for whatever God has in store for me… I am willing to receive whatever the Lord has planned.” What an example she is to us.

A relative of mine was “complaining” recently on Facebook about having to clear the car of snow. I felt like commenting, “Stop your whining and be thankful.” I didn’t, but I did post this: “Psalm 118:24”. Amidst all the inconveniences that life throws our way, Psalm 118:24 stands like a fortress for our hearts. It says, “We will…”. I will deliberately choose and intentionally see my day in a certain way. I do not have to live my life as if God is not there. He is there… and that will impact my attitudes and my choices… toward weather, inconveniences, people, things I can control, and things I can do nothing about. In all that, my attitude may be subject to God.

May we follow Mary’s example and be ready and willing to receive from the Lord’s hand what He has for each day, because we know He Himself will be with us. And let’s be praying for those without power from the storm… especially as the temperature drops… and let’s pray for the workers out restoring it. AMEN.

Psalm 118:24 (NIV) 24  This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

PRAYER:  Father, I will rejoice today, for today is a gift from you. Whatever may happen this day, I am counting on the fact that each day you give yourself through your Spirit. Thank you for the gift of your presence. Take away any complaining spirit that abides in me and lead me to rejoice and be glad in you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.”

Jesus Christ is Lord!

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